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Dr Umesh Acharya

Dr Umesh Acharya

Medical Director
Dr Umesh Acharya is a Medical Director and experienced subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine working at Care Fertility Plymouth. He has over 30 years of clinical experience in Reproductive Medicine. Having trained in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Medicine.


Umesh received his undergraduate medical education from the University of Southampton, and completed his Subspecialist training in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at Aberdeen. He holds dual accreditation in Obstetrics & Gynaecology as well as in Reproductive Medicine.


Umesh is a Reproductive Medicine Specialist at Care Fertility Plymouth and Consultant in Reproductive Medicine, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust.

Umesh started his career as a lecturer in Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine at Aberdeen before moving to Glasgow as a Senior Lecturer. In 1997 he moved to Plymouth to start a new unit in Reproductive Medicine. He also helped design and set up 3 IVF units including the present unit in Plymouth.

His expertise spans across various area including IVF, ICSI, fertility preservation, recurrent miscarriage management and male factor infertility. Umesh is one of the pioneers in Surgical sperm Retrieval including PESA, TESE and MESA and Micro-TESE.

He has extensive clinical expertise but also extensive experience in setting up and running IVF units. Umesh has personal experience of clinical and laboratory research and experience of supervising research undertaken by PhD student, senior and junior registrars, medical students, and nurses.

Umesh takes pride in mentoring junior doctors and researchers, contributing to the development of several outstanding clinicians.


Umesh is passionate about teaching and Evidence based practice and is committed to removing unnecessary burden on staff and patients.

He has several publications in highly reputed peer-reviewed journals and has presented scientific papers at prestigious meetings and conferences.

His present clinical/research interests are Obesity, Male factor infertility, Recurrent miscarriage and Polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Membership of Professional Bodies

Umesh is a member of the British Fertility Society (BFS), ESHRE, BMA and  RCOG.

BFSeuropean society of Human Reproduction and embryology ESHRERCOGBMS