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Fertility Tests & Assessments

Plan for the future with our expert fertility tests. Whether you’re thinking about conceiving in the future, actively trying for a baby now, or single and wanting peace of mind about your fertility, a fertility test is the best place to start – and our experts will be with you every step of the way.

Our personalised approach to fertility assessments means that you will have the most appropriate tests, designed to save you time and expense. But, most importantly, our fertility tests for men, women and couples deliver accurate results to help us design the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Local fertility testing across the UK

Gradient map of UK showing Care clinic locations

At Care Fertility, we have fertility clinics across the UK, to make it easier to get a fertility assessment near home. Come see us for a fertility test, a fertility MOT assessment, or a full diagnostic fertility assessment if you’re looking for peace of mind about starting a family.

Discover our fertility clinics across the UK

embryologist in white jacket and blue hair net looking down a microscope in lab

IVF fertility testing

If you’re starting IVF with Care Fertility, you will receive several tests before starting treatment. These will determine your ovarian reserve and analyse sperm health and viability. You will also have some basic health checks such as your Body Mass Index and blood pressure.

If you have experienced recurrent miscarriage, or you’ve had unsuccessful IVF treatment, then you may need more sophisticated diagnostic testing. Our experts can perform more in-depth fertility testing for single men and women or couples to help you get more information about your fertility.

Here to care for you

We know that waiting for your results and the outcome of tests can cause anxiety and stress. Our experts will be beside you every step of the way, from your initial testing to any more extensive assessments. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding care, so whether you need to discuss fertility testing or getting support during your journey, please get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help.

Woman with dark curly hair looking up to the sky smiling

Female Fertility Tests and Assessments

If you have concerns or questions about your fertility or if you’re simply looking for reassurance, a fertility assessment is a good first step. We will give a series of tests which can show if you have an issue which may affect your ability to conceive. If you need more in-depth testing we have a range of test options that assess endometrial health, your immune system and potential causes of recurrent miscarriage.

Our initial testing assesses:

• Your height, weight, BMI and blood pressure

• Your lifestyle and medical history

• Ovulation cycles and ovarian reserves

We also offer full IVF diagnostic testing – our guide to female fertility test is a great place to start and discover the details of all the tests we can offer for women.

Male Fertility Tests and Assessments

Our initial fertility testing service is designed to be an easy and empowering way to understand your reproductive health. We will give you a series of simple fertility tests to help you make informed decisions. We can also perform more comprehensive fertility testing to give detailed information on your sperm health, chromosomal issues and sperm DNA damage which enable us to recommend treatment designed for the biggest impact.

Like our female testing, a male fertility assessment covers key tests:

• Height, weight, BMI and blood pressure

• Medical history and lifestyle

• Semen testing

If you’re having issues with conceiving, then our diagnostic fertility testing might be helpful. From semen analysis to sperm chromosome testing, we can offer plenty of insight into your fertility. For more information, check out our guide to male fertility tests at Care Fertility.