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Sperm Donation

Your sperm donation can make a world of difference for people needing a donor. You could be their only chance of starting a family. If you live in the UK and are registered at a UK GP practice, you can become a donor.

Could sperm donation be for me?

We’re grateful to anyone who wants to donate sperm.

To donate sperm at Care Fertility, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 45.
  • Live or work within commuting distance of a Care clinic in the UK (see clinic locations under the "Our Clinics" tab).
  • Be registered at a UK GP practice.
  • Be committed. You must be prepared to attend our sperm donation centre regularly for several weeks and commit to returning for the final screening three months later.
  • Have no known serious medical disability or family history of hereditary disorders.
  • Know (or can find out) your immediate family medical history - children, siblings, parents, grandparents, etc…
  • Be willing to be screened for medical conditions and transmissible viruses.
  • Avoid putting yourself at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Avoid knowingly omitting any relevant information which could affect the health of any children born as a result of your donation.
  • Agree to be registered with the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority as a donor.

The Sperm, egg and embryo donation (SEED) and PET are also available to help give advice and support on donation to donors, intended parents and surrogates.

How to donate sperm

Thinking of becoming a sperm donor? Leave your contact details with us and a member of our team will contact you to explain the process and help answer any questions you may have.

If you are interested in becoming a sperm donor after this, we will invite you to use our secure Care Portal to view and complete a Care registration and medical questionnaire.

How does sperm donation work?

We're always thrilled when someone decides to become a sperm donor. Below is the process for donating your sperm. Our process of sperm donation ensures the quality of the semen and ensures your mental and physical health throughout.

1. First Visit – implications appointment and semen analysis

Once your application to be a sperm donor has been accepted, you’ll be invited to come and visit us at your chosen sperm donation centre. You will have the opportunity to discuss the sperm donation process in more detail with a member of the donation team.

You’ll also provide your first semen sample which allows us to check your sperm count and quality, and if the sample freezes well.

It is not uncommon for a sample not to meet the strict criteria for donation. If this is the case, this doesn’t always reflect your own fertility. Please remember that we’re very selective to give the best chances of success to those who want to have IVF using donor sperm.

2. Second Visit – counselling, sperm screening, and consultation

Choosing to donate your sperm is a personal, and important decision. So, we’ll invite you to speak to one of our experienced counsellors. They’ll talk to you about the legal and ethical implications of sperm donation. If you have a partner, we encourage you to include them in the counselling session. These sessions can be carried out online if that’s more convenient for you.

In the clinic, we’ll ask for a urine sample and take some blood for screening which we’ll test for HIV, Hepatitis, and various genetic conditions. You’ll also talk to one of our consultants about your medical history, your family’s medical history, and what is expected of you as a sperm donor.

We will confirm your consent to donation and establish what you’d like us to do with your sperm in a number of different scenarios. You’ll hear back from us in around three or four weeks.

3. Sperm donation begins

You’ll be expected to donate your sperm around once a week for 3 months.

This allows us to build up a good supply of your sperm to ensure we have enough to help all the patients who choose you as their donor. We will always try to arrange convenient dates and times for your donation visits.

We do everything we can to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. The donation rooms are furnished to ensure you feel at ease. Our clinics are dedicated to overcoming infertility and this is routine for us, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed. Not that you should be - you’re doing an amazing thing!

4. Final visit

Your sperm samples will be frozen and quarantined for at least three months so that we know they are safe to use during treatment. With your sperm being frozen, it means your samples can’t be used by patients yet.

After the quarantine period, we’ll ask you to visit for the final time to carry out a few more quick tests to check you’re still free from any infectious diseases.

5. After donation

Later on, you’ll be entitled to find out if any babies are born as a result of your donation, the year they were born in, and whether they’re a boy or girl. Your sperm can be used for a maximum of 10 UK families but is not restricted to one child per family.

Information given to recipients

We ask all our sperm donors to write a non-identifying personal description (known as a pen portrait) for those choosing donor sperm for their fertility treatment, and you can also write a brief goodwill message.

The recipient of your donated sperm and her partner will be given the following non-identifying information about your physical characteristics:

  • Hair and eye colour
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Build
  • Complexion
  • Race
  • Blood group.

If a child is born from your donation, they might choose to request information about who you are when they turn 18. Your counsellor can talk to you all about this during your session.

Sperm donor pay: your compensation

Your sperm donation will mean so much to those that need it, yet we are limited by law to what we can give you to compensate for your time and any inconvenience.

We will reimburse you £35 for every visit to the clinic. If you are going through IVF yourself and wish to donate sperm in addition to having your own treatment, then you will receive a substantial reduction in the cost of your treatment.

Sperm donation FAQs:

Sperm donors are registered with the HFEA, which means anyone conceived using your donated sperm will be able to consult the register and find out who their donor was once they reach 18.

This requires serious consideration and will be discussed with you at your initial appointment.

At 16 years old, they will be able to find out non-identifying information:

  • Physical description
  • Height and weight
  • Eye, hair, and skin colour
  • Year and country of birth
  • Ethnic group
  • Whether you had any genetic children when they registered and the number and sex of those children
  • Other details, e.g. occupation, religion, and interests
  • Your parent’s ethnic group
  • Whether you yourself were adopted or donor-conceived
  • Marital status at the time of donation
  • Details of any screening tests and medical history
  • Skills
  • Reasons for donating
  • The goodwill message and a pen portrait provided at the time of donation.

From the age of 18, they can find out the following identifying information:

  • Full names (and any previous names)
  • Date of birth
  • Town or district where born
  • Last known postal address or address at the time of registration

It is important to note, however, you will not be the legal parent of any children conceived from your sperm, and you will not be financially or emotionally liable for their upbringing.

While we cannot provide any identifying information, we will be able to confirm the number of children born, their sex and year of birth.

When you donate your sperm to our sperm bank, we do our utmost to offer you convenient appointment times. We advise you provide a minimum of 5 samples, ideally produced within a two-month period. This frequency is flexible and will be discussed with you in clinic.

If you have any questions or want to find out more information about the sperm donor process, contact us to speak to a member of our Care team.

No, we currently only take donors from the UK.

Donate your sperm