IVF Glossary
During your fertility journey, you might discover a variety of terms that you have not heard of before. This glossary explains key fertility terms and acronyms, and how they relate to your fertility and fertility treatment.
Treatments and Tests
Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART): A general term referring to infertility procedures that involves egg and sperm including IVF and ICSI.
Caremaps: Caremaps uses time-lapse imaging to help us choose the best embryo without genetic testing. Using time-lapse imaging, we take photos of your embryos every few minutes. We combine this with a specific algorithm that allows us to better assess how an embryo is developing compared to how it should be developing at specific points in time.
DNA Fragmentation Test: A test that can help measure thousands of sperm in an ejaculate sample. The sperm are stained with fluorescent probe that interacts with the DNA. The fluorescence signal will change when DNA are fragmented.
Duo Stimulation: Designed for patients that produce very low numbers of follicles or eggs when the maximum dosage of stimulation drugs is used. You would undergo a round of ovarian stimulation, with any developed follicles being drained, the collected eggs fertilised and any subsequent suitable embryos being frozen. By day 5, you would start another round of ovarian stimulation, following your first egg collection, with a second egg collection procedure following 9-12 days later, with the eggs collected being fertilised and subsequent embryos of suitable quality frozen.
Elective Freeze All Cycles: Instead of performing an embryo transfer several days after egg collection, an Elective Freeze all Cycle is where we freeze all your embryos for around six weeks or until we are satisfied that the womb lining is prepared and optimised for a thawed embryo transfer.
Eggsafe AI: Eggsafe AI makes egg freezing and storage simpler and more effective. By using artificial intelligence powered image analysis of your eggs, it allows us to understand the chance of each of the eggs you produce successfully fertilising.
Embryo freezing: Once the egg and the sperm have successfully fertilised, the resulting embryo can be frozen. Using a freezing method called vitrification, we ensure that the embryo is frozen rapidly to ensure the best preservation. This can then be placed into the womb at a later date.
EMMA/ALICE: Endometrial Microbiome Metagenomic Analysis helps indicate the balance of endometrial microbiome, allowing us to understand the proportions of endometrial bacteria including those linked to higher pregnancy rates. ALICE looks at bacteria that can cause chronic endometriosis.
ICSI:Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is where an individual sperm cell is inserted directly into the egg cell.
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination involves directly inserting specially washed sperm into a woman’s womb at the most fertile point of her cycle.
IVF:In Vitro Fertilisation involves the fertilisation of an egg and sperm outside of the body.
Laparoscopy: A technique that allows us to visualise the internal abdominal organs. This occurs through introducing an instrument into the abdominal wall below the navel via a small incision.
STIMS: Stimulating Hormones, such as gonadotropins which are injectable fertility drugs.
Surrogacy: When a woman carries a baby for an individual or couple who are unable to conceive or carry a child themselves. There are two types of surrogacies: Gestational Surrogacy is where you donate your own eggs for use in treatment and they are fertilised with your partner’s or donor’s sperm. Whereas traditional surrogacy uses the surrogate mother’s eggs which are fertilised by donor or your partner’s sperm.
Female Fertility, Treatments and Tests
Amenorrhea: This occurs when a woman doesn’t have menstrual periods.
AMH: Anti-Mullerian Hormone. A protein hormone that is produced by cells within the ovary. Understanding your AMH levels can reveal how good your egg reserve is and enables your doctor to know how fertile you are.
Anovulation: A menstrual cycle where ovulation fails to occur.
Cervical Smear: It’s a simple test offered to all women, involving a cell sample being taken from all around the neck of your womb. It is then tested for any infection or for pre-cancerous cells.
Cervix: The opening toward the uterus.
Down Regulation: This is where your ovaries will be ‘switched off’ by using a drug.
Egg Freezing: A method of fertility preservation that allows you to freeze eggs for later use when you may want to start a family.
Egg Sharing: This is a procedure whereby you would undergo IVF treatment and are willing to donate half of the eggs that are collected during your cycle of treatment to another patient.
Endometrioma: This is an ovarian cyst that contains endometrium (womb lining) and bleeds at the same time as menstruation. Known as a chocolate cyst.
Endometrium: Womb lining.
ERA: Endometrial Receptivity Analysis is a way of finding out when the lining of the womb (endometrium) is most receptive to the transfer of an embryo.
Fallopian Tubes: Two tubes on either side of the uterus where the egg and sperm meet to start the process of fertilisation.
Fibroid: Usually a non-cancerous tumour of the muscle of the uterus.
Follicle: A group of cells that form a cavity within the ovary enabling the egg to grow before its release during ovulation.
Folic Acid: Vitally important for your baby’s nervous system. Especially during the early days of pregnancy. It will likely be recommended after you’ve stopped using contraception and for you to continue taking it for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy.
Follicle Count: By counting the follicles that are between 2-6mm in the ovary, we can estimate how good your ovarian reserve is. If you have plenty of follicles within this measurement, the chances of you having a good ovarian reserve are high.
Follicular Phase: The part of the menstrual cycle when an egg matures in your ovaries, part of the ongoing process your body undergoes when hormones bring about changes in your body to make it possible for you to become pregnant.
HyCoSy: Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography is a short procedure done to see whether there are any blockages in your fallopian tubes.
Hormone Replacement Therapy: This substitutes the female hormones of oestrogen and progesterone, and is usually given when levels fall due to menopause.
Hormone screening: Hormone screening involves a simple blood test, and can give us an indication of everything from how many eggs you’re able to produce, to whether you have an underlying medical condition.
Hysterectomy: The process of removing your uterus.
Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a procedure where a very thin telescope camera is used to view the inside of your womb. It is used to investigate different conditions of the uterus, such as polyps, fibroids, septum or scarring inside the uterine cavity.
Luteal Phase Defect: This is where the lining of your uterus does not grow properly each month during the second half of your menstrual cycle. This can make it difficult to become or remain pregnant.
Menarche: The period when menstruation starts.
Oestrogen: The hormone produced in the ovaries.
OHSS: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) happens when a woman’s ovaries swell and leak fluid into her body. It can occur when a woman receives fertility treatments that stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs than normal, but sometimes it can occur spontaneously.
Oocyte: A female egg cell before maturation.
Ovaries: Female reproductive organs that contain eggs that produce oestrogen and progesterone.
Ovarian Cysts: These are sacs filled with fluid or semisolid material which develop on or within the ovary during ovulation.
Ovum: A mature female reproductive cell that when divided gives rise to an embryo, usually after being fertilised by a male cell.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Known as PCOS, it is a condition that affects the way in which a woman’s ovaries work. The three main features are: irregular periods (your ovaries do not regularly release eggs), excess levels of male hormones in your body (which may cause physical signs such as excess facial or body hair) and polycystic ovaries (which is where your ovaries are enlarged and contain fluid-filled sacs that surround the eggs). If you have two of these features, you may be diagnosed with PCOS.
Prolactin: A hormone produced during pregnancy and after the delivery of a baby, helping to stimulate the production of breast milk. Some women who are infertile may have a high level of prolactin, which can cause hormone imbalance and prevent ovulation.
Recurrent Miscarriage and Implantation Failure: This is usually defined as having three or more miscarriages in a row. There are a number of tests and treatments available at Care that can help identify the causes and allow us to create a tailored treatment plan that could improve your chances of success. We can investigate the possible causes for implantation failure or recurrent miscarriage, including tests for chromosomal abnormality (PGT-A), Careunity and DNA damage or oxidative stress in sperm.
Salpinges: Another term for the fallopian tubes.
Salpingitis: When the fallopian tubes are inflamed.
Shared Motherhood: Also known as intra-partner egg donation. Designed to give both you and your partner a way to share in your family building experience. One partner can donate eggs to her partner in IVF treatment, the other partner carries the baby and experiences pregnancy as the ‘birth mother.’
Tubal Disease: a disease where women have blocked or damaged fallopian tubes.
Ultrasound Scanning: The use of high frequency sound waves being beamed into the pelvis to build a picture, which is usually done abdominally or via the vagina. Helps visualise the uterus and ovaries.
Urethra: A narrow passage that takes urine from the bladder to the outside. For men it carries sperm during ejaculation.
Trigger Injection: A hormonal injection that stimulates or triggers the release of eggs.
Male Fertility, Treatments and Tests
Agglutination: This is when sperm stick together, which can suggest that sperm antibodies are present. Also noted during semen analysis, as if sperm stick together, it can affect their function.
Asthenozoospermia: This is where sperm has poor motility (with less than 39% swimming.)
Azoospermia: This is when there is no sperm present in a man’s ejaculate. This can be due to blockage in the tubes that the sperm is transported through, a vasectomy, low or no sperm production in the testicle.
CASA: Computer Aided Semen Analysis, which enables us to track sperm. Telling us how well and how fast the sperm are moving, and if they look normal, allowing us to make an informed opinion on which treatment would be best for you.
Cryptozoospermia:a term for semen with an extremely low concentration of sperm.
Epididymis: Coiled tubing located outside the testicles where sperm is stored.
Hormone Screening: Also known as a male hormone profile test, can give us an indication of everything from how many sperm you’re able to produce, to whether you may have an underlying medical condition. All of this information can help us give you the right fertility treatment. We will check the levels of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in your blood to get an idea of how much sperm you might be producing. We will also check your testosterone levels.
Male Factor Infertility: When problems in a man’s fertility may cause a couple’s infertility or contribute to existing fertility problems in a woman.
MERC: Multiple Ejaculation Resuspension and Centrifugation test lets us detect the sperm in semen samples even when numbers are low.
Motility: Used to describe how sperm are moving.
Morphology: Used to describe the shape, size and appearance of sperm.
Oligospermia: Where the sperm count is less than the expected 20 million per ml.
PESA:Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration, sees a fine needle inserted into your epididymis-this is a tube at the back of the testicles that stores and carries sperm-allowing us to collect your sperm using gentle suction.
PICSI: Physiological intracytoplasmic sperm injection, a technique used to choose sperm to use in ICSI treatment, involving placing sperm with hyaluronic acid (HA). PICSI identifies sperm that can join with HA, and these sperm are then used in treatment.
Semen Analysis: We will analyse a sample of your semen using various techniques and equipment to determine your sperm’s quality.
Sperm Chromosome Screening: For sperm chromosome screening, we ask that you provide us with a semen sample. That sample is then frozen and tested for any abnormalities, with results being available within a few weeks. Once we’ve gotten the results, we will discuss your next steps with you.
Sperm Count and Quality: We have a variety of tests that can help us measure the number of sperm that you have and their quality.
Sperm DNA damage screening: You will need to provide us with a semen sample for this test. The sample is then be given to our laboratory who will thaw and test for any DNA damage. This procedure is usually considered for a patient if you are over 50 years of age, smoke or used to smoke or have been exposed to toxicants. For more information, please click here.
Sperm Freezing: Sperm freezing is performed using vitrification (ultra-rapid IVF embryo freezing). Your sample will be frozen by our embryologists and can be thawed at your convenience.
Sperm Oxidative Stress Test: Your sperm uses the oxygen that you breathe to produce energy. Molecules known as reactive oxygen are also produced. They fight infection in normal quality, but when produced in excess, they can damage the DNA of your sperm. We call this oxidative stress. The oxidative stress test assesses the balance of reactive oxygen and antioxidants in your semen sample.
SSR: Surgical sperm retrieval is a treatment option for men who have no sperm in their ejaculate. This can be carried out using PESA or TESA.
Sperm Sharing: A donation service provided at Care, where men undergoing their own IVF treatment can donate their sperm to other families who need it.
Teratozoospermia:a condition in which a man has a high amount of abnormal shaped sperm. (would have to be over 96% of the sample)
TESA:Testicular Sperm Aspiration is when a small syringe and needle are used to take sperm directly from your testes.
TESE: Testicular Sperm Extraction sees a slight incision made into the skin on the top of one of your testicles with a small tissue sample being taken, with any sperm samples found in the tissue being extracted.
Vas deferens: The tubes that carry sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts.
Varicocele: When the veins in a man’s scrotum are enlarged, sometimes causing fertility problems.
Virology Screening: Required of all our patients who are planning on using their own sperm in their fertility treatment. It is a relatively quick and painless step at the start of the treatment process, we take a small blood sample to test for viral infections such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.
Vitality: number/percentage of living sperm in the sample.
Volume: total semen volume (+1.5ml)
Aneuploidy: Aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell. Normally, you would have 46 chromosomes in each of your cells, however, sometimes around fertilisation there are mistakes that occur which leads to each cell having more or less than 46 chromosomes. If the resulting embryo has 44 or fewer chromosomes it won’t survive the pregnancy and will lead to a miscarriage. However, sometimes other abnormal chromosomes embryos can lead to full term pregnancy.
C4M2/Careunity:Careunity is a new test that identifies one of the causes of recurrent miscarriage and other placental problems. Through looking at genetic “mutation” or “variation” in a specific gene carried on chromosome number 4. That is where the name C4M2 comes from. C4 stands for chromosome number 4 and M2 is the name given to the variant at a specific location of this gene on chromosome number 4.
Chromosome: A chromosome is a long DNA molecule that has part or all of the genetic material of an organism. Normally, each cell in the human has 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total chromosomes), half come from the mother and the other half from the father. Two of the chromosomes (X and Y chromosomes) determine your sex as either male or female when you are born.
DNA: Our unique genetic code that carries information for our development and functioning.
Euploid: This is when the embryo is genetically balanced with 46 chromosomes.
Genes: These are the parts of the chromosomes that control which hereditary characteristics such as hair or eye colour a child may inherit.
Gene Markers: A DNA sequence with a known physical location on a chromosome.
Karyotype Test: A test to check that you have the usual number of chromosomes of the expected size and shape.
Linkage Analysis: A technique used to detect the chromosomal location of disease-causing genes, allowing the trait to be investigated.
Mosaic: Some embryos may have both chromosomally normal and abnormal cells or a mixture of the two-these are known as mosaic embryos.
PGT-A: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidy is a genetic screening test performed on embryos during the IVF treatment cycle to check they have the right number of chromosomes and whether they have any abnormalities to better assess an embryo’s genetic health.
PGTai 2.0: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidy enhanced by the use of artificial intelligence (AI). AI can increase the chances of PGT-A making IVF more successful by helping to identify only the best embryos for transfer. The PGTai 2.0 platform uses two independent methods to test embryos alongside AI to identify embryos with the correct number of chromosomes. It also provides greater levels of embryo testing to make results more personal, giving us the chance to see whether an abnormality arises from the egg or sperm, helping us to direct efforts to improve either egg or sperm quality before starting a new cycle if possible. Or help a couple decide to switch to donor eggs or donor sperm for treatment.
PGT-M: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for monogenic/single gene defects (PGT-M) tests the embryos created through IVF using linkage analysis to assess embryos for any defects. Unaffected embryos are then transferred.
PGT-SR: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Chromosomal Structural Rearrangements involves testing the embryos created through IVF and then transferring the embryos that contain a balanced amount of chromosome material.
Culture Mediums
BlastGen: A culture medium used to culture embryos in a lab. Similar to EmbryoGen, the use of BlastGen does not involve additional tests or procedures. After your embryos have been developed for roughly three days in the EmbryoGen culture medium, we will transfer them to the BlastGen culture medium to continue their development until the blastocyst stage.
Culture: The process by which eggs are removed from the ovaries and combined with your partner’s or donor’s sperm within an artificial medium to create a fertilised egg.
Culture Medium: A culture medium is a liquid which has been designed to support the growth of cells by containing the elements those cells need to grow. Culture Mediums such as EmbryoGen and BlastGen have been developed to include those elements that would naturally occur in the womb.
EmbryoGen: A culture medium used to culture embryos in a lab. Using EmbryoGen during treatment means that once your eggs have been fertilised, we’ll use EmbryoGen for around the first three days of embryo development.
EmbryoGlue: A culture medium made with a substance-hyaluronan-that ensures the embryo sticks to the lining of the womb.
Other medical terms
Antral Follicles: Small follicles that appear as small fluid-filled sacs that may develop further due to FSH stimulation.
AOA: Oocyte (egg) activation occurs when a sperm meets an egg, beginning the process of fertilisation and embryo development. The process is triggered by factors within the sperm that lead to an increase in calcium in the oocyte. If the sperm lacks these factors or oocytes don’t respond properly, then artificial oocyte activation is needed. In AOA a substance called calcium ionophore is used to help activate the egg and improve fertilisation.
Blastocyst:The stage an embryo reaches after five days in culture following egg retrieval. In the first three days of development the embryos start dividing into separate cells called cleavage embryos. After day three and to day 5, the blastocyst forms. It is a more complex structure, with the number of cells present having increased to over 100 including two different types of cells that help develop the placenta. After reaching five days of development the blastocyst is transferred into the uterus.
Blood flow: The blood flow to your uterus, ovaries and follicles can give you an idea of how good your ovarian reserve is. A cell in the body that has good blood flow will most likely be a healthy cell, as it’s received a healthy supply of oxygen and nutrients. By examining your blood flow, we can see which eggs might be of better quality.
Chemical Pregnancy: This occurs when a fertilised egg does not attach itself to the uterine wall. It’s also known as an early miscarriage.
Chlamydia: A sexually transmitted infection that if left untreated can cause tubal damage in women and affect the quality of sperm in men. You will need to be tested and if found to have it, will need to be treated for it before you can begin fertility treatment.
Clomid: A drug given to women to help stimulate ovulation.
Day 6 4BB Embryo/Blastocyst: How old your embryo/blastocyst is alongside its development (ranging from 1-6 with 5 being the most developed), inner cell mass and trophectoderm score (ranging from A-C with A being best.)
Ectopic Pregnancy: This is when a pregnancy occurs anywhere other than the uterus usually in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or abdominal cavity.
Embryoscope: is an incubator with the right conditions for a healthy embryo to develop in the laboratory. It has a special time-lapse system with a camera that continuously captures images and records them as the embryo develops, which can be combined with our unique Caremaps algorithm analysis to significantly increase success rates.
Fertilisation: The process whereby an egg is penetrated by sperm.
Foetus: The halfway point of development between an embryo and a baby.
Gametes: This refers to the ova and sperm-the female and male reproductive cells.
Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH): Is produced in the brain, stimulating the pituitary gland to produce luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone.
Gonads: Sex glands such as the ovaries in women and testes in men that make sex cells.
hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a hormone produced in the placenta after implantation. Used by pregnancy tests to determine pregnancy. Also an injectable hormone that helps your eggs go through the final maturation so they are ready for collection.
Hormones: In men, particular hormones can indicate how much sperm you’re able to produce. If you’re suffering from unexplained fertility problems, we may suggest hormone screening, as this will help us better understand your needs. We will examine the levels of FSH and luteinising hormone in your blood to know how much sperm you may be producing; we will also check your testosterone levels.
Hyperstimulation: Results when there is an excessive response to ovarian stimulation by the ovaries.
Thyroid Disease: Infertility can be caused by diseases of the thyroid, when it is under- or over-active. Women with a thyroid disease will be given tailor-made treatment under the care of our experienced doctors.
Zygote: What a fertilised egg is called in the early stage of development.
ZyMot Sperm selection for ICSI: ZyMot is a device that can be used in our IVF laboratory to help prepare and select sperm for insemination using ICSI. It relies on sperm swimming through the membrane filter included within the device.
Additional Terms
Care Forum: On the Care Forum you can chat with other patients going through a similar journey to your own, sharing your experiences and finding reassurance during difficult times, or talking about your future hopes and plans.
Carepals: A team dedicated to helping you from the moment you become a patient, ensuring that you have the support you need during your journey, be it providing help completing forms or answering any questions you might have about your treatment journey.
During the course of your fertility journey, if you’re reading our forum and communicating with others who are also undergoing a similar journey, you are likely to come across commonly used abbreviations used to describe certain terms and procedures. We’ve provided examples of what you might see:
4DP5DTT: Four days post 5-day transfer
AF: Aunt Flo, menstruation or period.
AFNW: Aunt Flo not wanted
AFSA: Aunt Flo stay away
AH: Assisted Hatching, a technology used within IVF that helps facilitate embryo hatching and implantation process.
AI: Artificial insemination, a treatment that involves directly inserting sperm into your womb.
AMH: Anti Mullerian Hormone, plays an important role in the development of sex organs in an unborn baby.
BBT: Basal body temperature is your body’s lowest temperature whilst you are resting. It can be measured as soon as you wake up in the morning.
BC: Birth control largely involves using contraception to ensure that you can decide when you wish to start trying to get pregnant.
BFN: Big Fat Negative, refers to a negative result on a pregnancy test.
BFP: Big Fat Positive refers to a positive result on a pregnancy test.
CD: Cycle Day is the day you start your period.
CF/CM: Cervical Fluid or cervical mucus is a fluid crucial to conception.
CP: Chemical pregnancy occurs when there is a very early miscarriage, usually before the pregnancy has lasted five weeks.
DE: Donor egg/embryo.
DI: Donor insemination, the process where donor sperm is used to help get pregnant.
DPR: Days past retrieval, number of days since you’ve had egg retrieval during IVF treatment.
DPO: Days Past Ovulation. Usually, after ovulating, you’ll need to wait between 10-14 days before you can do a home pregnancy test.
DPT: Days past embryo transfer.
DTD: Doing the deed, a reference to sex.
EC: Embryo Cryopreservation is the process of freezing your eggs.
EDD: Estimated Due Date for the birth of your child.
ENDO: Endometriosis is a condition where tissue that is similar to the lining of the womb starts growing elsewhere such as the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
ET: Embryo transfer is the final stage in your In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatment. The fertilised egg, now an embryo is placed inside the uterus.
EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus is a clear discharge like slippery egg-white.
FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer is done after a cycle of IVF in which embryos are frozen
FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone made by the pituitary gland, plays an important role in sexual development and functioning. In women it can help control the menstrual cycle and help stimulate the growth of eggs within the ovaries.
FX: Fingers crossed
GS: Gestational surrogacy- where the baby is not related to the surrogate mother and the intended parent can donate their own eggs for conception, with the surrogate carrying and giving birth to the baby. The eggs from the intended parent or donated eggs are fertilised through IVF with sperm from the intended father or donated sperm.
HP: Home Pregnancy Test.
IF: Infertility.
IVF-DE: IVF with donor eggs.
LH: Luteinising Hormone is a hormone produced and released by cells in the anterior pituitary gland (a small gland located underneath the brain.) LH helps control the menstrual cycle and triggers the release of an egg from the ovary.
LMP: Last Menstrual Period.
LP: Luteal Phase, the second half of your menstrual cycle that starts after ovulation and ends on the first day of your period.
MC: Miscarriage.
MFI:Male Factor Infertility is when a man is unable to produce any sperm or sperm that is of the right quality to fertilise and egg.
MMC: Missed miscarriage.
MS: Morning Sickness.
OPK: An ovulation predictor kit that measures the luteinising hormone that surges around a day before ovulation.
OV: Ovulation.
PG: Pregnant.
PI: Primary Infertility, or infertility with no previously born children.
PP/3MPP: post-partum/ 3 months post-partum.
PNV: Prenatal Vitamins are a multi-vitamin that is taken for a few months before conception to ensure that your baby receives the right nutrients.
POAS: Pee on A Stick Pregnancy Test.
RM:Recurrent miscarriage, usually defined as three or more miscarriages in a row i.e., the loss of three or more pregnancies before 24 weeks with no successful pregnancies in between.
SA:Semen Analysis is the process by which we analyse a sample of your semen using various techniques and equipment to determine the quality of your sperm.
SD: Sperm Donor
SM: Surrogate Mother
SMBC: Single/ solo mother by choice.
SP: Sperm Count
TTC: Trying To Conceive.
TWW/2WW: Two-Week Wait, the amount of time between your ovulation and when you can take a pregnancy test.
US: Ultrasound.
At Care, we understand that fertility treatment can be quite a daunting process and that you may want to speak to other people who are on a similar journey to you
The Care Forum is a brilliant way for you to talk about your concerns, queries, experiences and hopes for the future.
Everyone who has treatment with Care is different, whilst we appreciate that during your journey you may wish to rely on friends or family for support exclusively, if you require a little extra help, then we are more than happy to be there for you.
From the very beginning, when you first get in touch with us, our brilliant patient enquiry team are more than happy to answer any initial questions you might have.
Once you’ve decided to start treatment, a member of the Carepals team will get in touch with you to see if you have any questions and to give you any additional information you may need or want.
Throughout your IVF and fertility treatment journey with Care, counselling support is available.
For information about becoming a Care patient, please get in touch with our Patient Enquiry Team, or call 0800 564 2270.